Mission and purpose


The European Marketing Academy (EMAC) is a non-political, professional society for individuals involved or interested in marketing theory and research, established in 1975.

Our purpose is to provide a community and platform for those professionally engaged in or interested in marketing theory and research. As the core of an international communication network, we facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and the promotion of global academic exchange in the field of marketing.

We recognize that fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion is fundamental to academic and professional excellence. Ensuring fair opportunities for all, regardless of gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, ability, sexual orientation, or any other aspect of identity, strengthens our field and challenges systemic biases that may persist.

Our commitment to these principles remains an integral part of our identity and guides us towards shaping a more inclusive and equitable future for marketing scholars and professionals worldwide. At present, this includes over 1000 members from more than 50 different countries in all five continents.


For more information on the Academy or how to become a member, please contact Anne-Laure Marteaux, EMAC Executive Secretary.