EMAC Junior Faculty Visiting Program

EMAC acknowledges the support of the Sheth Foundation for its support of the Junior Faculty Visiting Program.

The program is designed to help a junior faculty member to spend a semester at a research-intensive institution. The objective of the program is to help high-potential junior faculty members with limited exposure to world-class research at institutions in their countries. Such may be the case, for example, for some junior faculty members working in certain countries in Eastern Europe, Asia, South America and Africa. The program is intended to help junior faculty gain deeper insights into the craft of research, and thus accelerate their mastery in conducting research. In addition, the program is likely to result in collaborative relationships between the junior faculty member and the faculty/doctoral students at host institutions. Host institutions will be expected to provide help with administrative aspects (e.g., some office/work space, access to library, information regarding apartments, documentation for visa if needed).

EMAC Junior Faculty Visiting Program 2025


EMAC is pleased to announce the EMAC Junior Faculty Visiting Program 2025. The program is designed to help a junior faculty member to spend either a month or a regular semester (fall or spring) at a research-intensive institution. The objective of the program is to help high-potential junior faculty members with limited exposure to world-class research at institutions in their countries. Such may be the case, for example, for some junior faculty members working in certain countries in Eastern Europe, Asia, South America and Africa.

The program is intended to help junior faculty gain deeper insights into the craft of research through a mix of activities that may include (1) auditing research seminars and courses, (2) presenting at host institution “brown bags,” (3) collaborating with host institution faculty and students on research, (4) attending distinguished speaker series, and (5) presenting at leading conferences. In addition, the program offers junior faculty the opportunity to audit exceptional teachers’ classes. Host institutions are expected to help with routine administrative items (e.g., office/workspace, access to library, information regarding apartments, documentation for visa if needed).


Eligibility Criteria

  1. An applicant must be a full-time faculty member at a university and should have received his/her PhD degree during the calendar year 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 or 2024.
  2. An applicant should have been an EMAC member for at least two consecutive years immediately prior to the application date (i.e., 2023 and 2024, or 2024 and 2025).
  3. For an institution to be eligible as a host for this program, it should be a research-intensive institution, preferably among the most recent Financial Times Top 100 European Business Schools or among the UT Dallas Top 100 Worldwide Business schools.


  1. Applications should be submitted to Anne-Laure Marteaux (emac@eiasm.be) no later than 11 March 2025.
  2. Each application should include a “Statement of Purpose” that is no more than 2-3 single-spaced pages long. The Statement should make the case for the candidate’s academic potential and should highlight the specific ways in which s/he may benefit from working closely with faculty members at his/her preferred institution. In the Statement, please indicate whether you apply for a month-long or a semester-long visit.
  3. A current CV should be submitted as part of the application.
  4. The application should include a brief letter from a faculty member at the applicant’s preferred host institution confirming his/her willingness to host the applicant for a month or for a semester.
  5. The application should include a brief letter from the Dean of the applicant’s institution confirming that the applicant will be permitted to be away from his/her institution for the month or semester in question to be present full-time at the host institution.
  6. Applicants should rank-order 2-3 eligible host institutions that they would like to visit for a month or a semester and provide names of 1-2 faculty members (at each institution) with whom they would like to work. In addition, applicants should indicate 1-2 research topics on which they would like to work during their visits to the institutions. However, only one letter from the most preferred host institution (#4 above) is required to be included with the application.

Selection Process

The Junior Faculty Visiting Program Committee (hereafter the “Committee”) comprised of the EMAC President, VP Global Relations and VP Publications will evaluate the applications. The primary criteria for evaluation will be:

  1. Applicant’s potential for top-level research,
  2. Research orientation/reputation of the proposed host institutions and faculty members indicated by an applicant,
  3. International and interdisciplinary orientation of the proposed host institutions,
  4. Likelihood of the applicant becoming a productive scholar upon return to his/her institution, and
  5. Paucity of strong research universities in the country of the applicant’s university (higher priority will be given to applicants from countries with fewer strong universities).

At its sole discretion, the Committee may decline to entertain a visiting arrangement at any institution. The Committee may select as many or as few (including zero) applicants it considers appropriate for further consideration and will rank order the selected applications.

The top ranked applicant will be invited by the Committee to finalize his/her placement at the institution(s) indicated and found acceptable by the Committee. Failure to do so in a timely manner will disqualify the applicant from further consideration. In case the top applicant’s placement is not finalized within eight weeks of being invited to do so, s/he will be dropped from further consideration. The next ranked applicant will then be considered, and a similar process used for their placement.

An unsuccessful applicant (i.e., one who was not selected, or selected but not placed) may apply to the program one more time (i.e., for a maximum of two times, including the first application).

In case of multiple deserving applicants for the month-long visit award, more than one award can be given out.


Awards and Reports

  1. If he/she applied for a month, EMAC will provide the successfully placed applicant a financial award of EUR 4000 towards the cost of travel and stay at the host institution for one month. 50% will be paid upon placement, and 50% upon submission of final report following successful completion of the program (see below).


  1. If he/she applied for a one regular (fall or spring semester), EMAC will provide the successfully placed applicant a financial award of EUR 12.500 towards the cost of travel and stay at the host institution for one regular (fall or spring) semester. 50% will be paid upon placement, and 50% upon submission of final report following successful completion of the program (see below).


  1. A junior faculty member who commences the Visiting Program will submit a brief (2-3 single-spaced pages) report about the value of the experience along with suggestions for improvement half-way through the experience and submit a similar final report upon completion of the visiting program.


Questions should be directed to Anne-Laure Marteaux (emac@eiasm.be).