EMAC Code of Conduct

EMAC Code of Conduct

The European Marketing Academy (EMAC) reminds its members, participants, and stakeholders that all EMAC events are convened to share research, develop knowledge, and promote career development for all. The harassment of others, especially when there is an asymmetry of power (such as between a senior faculty member and junior colleagues, doctoral students, or conference staff), undermines the core goals of EMAC’s events and related activities, and is inconsistent with our values. As such, EMAC considers harassment to be a severe form of professional misconduct.

The following policy statements outline expectations for all those who attend or participate in EMAC events such as conferences, workshops, colloquia, and related activities. These norms are shared by respected academic organizations across the globe, and they reflect our common value of mutual respect in course of knowledge creation within a diverse community.

1. Goal
EMAC strives to be a community of scholarship, providing a safe and welcoming environment for all participants in all activities during its events. Creating a supportive environment to enable scientific exchange and professional development by all at EMAC events is of utmost importance and the responsibility of all.  It is, therefore, the policy of EMAC that all participants at its events and related activities should conduct themselves in a manner that is free from any form of harassment, intimidation, or retaliation based on age, ethnicity, national origin, political orientation, religion, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, health conditions, socioeconomic status, marital status, employment status or parental status (hereafter, simply harassment). “All participants” includes but is not limited to registered attendees, guests, staff, contractors, and exhibitors. Event-related “activities” include sessions, business meetings, receptions, social gatherings, and all other formal and informal interactions between participants during the event.

2. Expected Behavior
All participants at EMAC events are expected to:

  • follow the norms of professional respect necessary to promote the conditions for free academic interchange.
  • be proactive in speaking up to stop harassment of others if witnessed.
  • alert event staff if they witness harassment, especially where asymmetries of power exist (i.e., where the harassed participants are not in an easy position to protect themselves).

3. Unacceptable Behavior
Unacceptable behaviors can include a single intense and severe act or multiple persistent or pervasive acts that are demeaning, abusive, offensive, or create a hostile environment. Harassment includes unwanted sexual solicitation or physical advances; verbal or non-verbal conduct that is sexual; threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts; circulation of written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility towards an individual or group; and epithets, slurs, or negative stereotyping based on group identity.

4.  What to do?
Attendees are encouraged to immediately report instances of harassment during an event to the EMAC Executive Secretary, the EMAC President, or the person(s) chairing the ongoing event, either in person or by leaving a message for them at the event’s registration desk.
EMAC reserves the right to take appropriate action to address violations of this Code of Conduct and retaliations against those who report inappropriate conduct. Reporting to EMAC does not constitute or replace notification to local law enforcement authorities of any violations of law.