EMAC–Sheth Foundation Sustainability Research Competition

EMAC acknowledges the support of the Sheth Foundation for its support of the EMAC-Sheth Foundation Sustainability Research Competition.

Founded by Dr. Jagdish & Madhu Sheth, the Sheth Foundation is not-for-profit organization whose mission is to develop and recognize scholars and scholarship in marketing globally and further the development of marketing thought (https://www.shethfoundation.org/)

The broad topic of sustainability is of increasing importance for marketing stakeholders around the globe. In recent years, many companies have discussed the need for firms to have a purpose that goes beyond mere shareholder value maximization. More and more politicians are talking about the need for accountable capitalism. Environmental, Social, and Governance goals (ESG) are becoming common for companies in many countries. Academic research has started to look deeper into these issues. Many important questions about sustainability remain unanswered.

The EMAC–Sheth Foundation Sustainability Research Competition is designed to encourage rigorous research on sustainability. We invite research proposals that address important issues related to sustainability. These include, but are not limited to, responsible production and consumption, gender equality; preservation of physical environment; reduction of poverty and inequality; and improvement of health and wellbeing. Proposals should have a clear marketing focus and address issues of importance to at least one set of marketing stakeholders (e.g., managers, consumers, and public policymakers).

EMAC–Sheth Foundation Sustainability Research Competition (2025)

Call for Proposals & Submission Guidelines


The broad topic of sustainability is of increasing importance for marketing stakeholders around the globe. In recent years, many companies have discussed the need for firms to have a purpose that goes beyond maximizing shareholder value. More and more politicians are talking about the need for accountable capitalism. Environmental, Social, and Governance goals (ESG) are becoming common for companies in many countries. Academic research is increasingly addressing these issues. However, many important questions about sustainability remain unanswered.

The EMAC–Sheth Foundation Sustainability Research Competition is designed to encourage rigorous research on sustainability. We invite research proposals that address important issues related to sustainability. These include, but are not limited to, responsible production and consumption, gender equality; preservation of physical environment; reduction of poverty and inequality; and improvement of health and wellbeing. Proposals should have a clear marketing focus and address issues of importance to at least one set of marketing stakeholders (e.g., managers, consumers, and public policymakers).


  • The EMAC–Sheth Foundation Sustainability Research Competition is open to all researchers (including Ph.D. students), regardless of whether they are EMAC members at the time of application.
  • Submissions are expected to be research proposals, not completed papers. To demonstrate the proposed research’s rigor and credibility, a submission may present sound theoretical development and/or results from a subset of studies required for the research. As a rough guideline, the proposed research should not be more than 50% complete at the time of submission. 
  • An individual may submit no more than one (sole- or co-authored) proposal for consideration in a particular year.


Submissions will be judged based on the significance of their potential contributions to marketing stakeholders (e.g., managers, policymakers, or consumers) and the rigor of the proposed research. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of potential research findings/conclusions (i.e., the number of stakeholders likely to change their behavior because of the answer to the issue examined, the status of those stakeholders, and the magnitude of the expected change in stakeholder behaviors).

The selection committee will comprise the EMAC VP Corporate Relationships (Chair), EMAC VP Global Relations, and EMAC VP Publications. In case a committee member has a conflict of interest with a submission, s/he will not be involved in evaluating that submission or will be replaced by an Area Editor of IJRM. The selection committee’s decision is final, and applicants will have no legal recourse. 


A maximum of two awards will be given out. Each award of 5,000 EUR is intended to be shared among all authors of a winning submission. The cash award can be used for any purpose, including data collection and registration fees for attending the EMAC 2025 Spring Conference.

One or more authors of a submission is required to present the research in person at the EMAC Conference as a condition for receiving the award.

To Enter

  • Please submit a research proposal outlining the main idea, expected theoretical and practical contributions, and proposed research plan including specifics about the data and analysis approach. This should be in IJRM style, no more than ten double-spaced pages with a minimum of 12-point font size, including the title page and a one-page (max) abstract, but excluding figures, tables, references, and appendices. Shorter proposals are preferred.
  • Please certify that the research is less than 50% complete at the time of submission, and that at least one of the authors will present the research in person at the EMAC Conference if the submission is selected as a winner.
  • All materials must be in English.


To consider your submission, we must receive all application materials by February 4, 2025, 16:00 CET Time

Submissions should be done via the submission link

The winning submission(s) will be notified in March 2025.

If you have questions regarding submission of research proposals, please contact:

Anne-Laure Marteaux
EMAC Executive Secretary
E-mail: emac@eiasm.be